23 Jan 1931 - EXAMINATIONS. Technical Education. FINAL ... Stage I-Pass Leslie Olsen Kathleen Lynch Bessie P Stowe Kenneth Gorrlnge . Stage I (embracing Cookery I Laundrywork Home Manage ncnt Millinery Art . McComos Mary 0 Robertson Rita Honess Barbotta Marcus Thelma Buckland . http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/16748242 Southside VIBES Aunty Bessie Parsons, Aunty Ruth Link, and. Aunty Carol Currie . with a framed print of student art. . joined by Cheyanne Honess at Queensland. Academy of . http://www.southside.qld.edu.au/newsletters/newsletter_2007_t4.pdf Full text of "Asheville, North Carolina city directory [serial]" B. Whitfield, Asst. Cashier Paul P. Brown, Asst. Cashier. . Episcopal Church p 22 Allanstand Cottage Industries.... card at classified art crafts Allen . flagmn Sou Ry, bds 115 Bartlett ?Adams Thos L (Bessie), slsmn Falk's Music House, h 31 . http://www.archive.org/stream/ashevillenorthca1922pied/ashevillenorthca1922pied_djvu.txt
7 entries
The Hunger (1983) - Full cast and crew John Stephen Hill ... Young Man from Disco. Shane Rimmer ... Arthur Jelinek. Bauhaus ... Disco Group. Douglas Lambert ... TV Host. Bessie Love ... Lillybelle . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085701/fullcredits

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Marriages - A AARON, WILMORE B. - ADAMS, SAMANTHA J. - 21 Oct 1858. ABBETT, MILTON . ALDERSON, NETTIE - PAINTER, JAMES M. - 29 Jun 1879. ALDRIDGE . ANDERSON, GEORGE B. - HONNESS, ANNA E. - 27 Jun 1894. ANDERSON . ANTRIM, BESSIE B. - FORSYTHE, CHARLES - 27 Nov 1900. ANTRIM, LOLA L. http://macon.ilgenweb.net/marrg_a.html
Clifford Web Generation Six (iv) Bessie Beavers; born circa 1907 . Sarah Ann Honness; born 1 August 1829; died 1 November 1905; married David B. Alpaugh; born circa 1829 in New . http://www3.telus.net/cliffordweb/content/generation6.html
Winthrop Cemetery . Alfred M. 1885 - 1943 CARRELL, Bessie M. 1895 - 1970 CARRELL, Clifford T. . Susie E. 1851 - 1925 [w/o DP] HOLLOWAY, Wesley S. 1884 - 1928 HONESS, . 1940 Infant PAINTER, Ellen PAINTER, Lawrence L. 1922 - 1991 PAINTER, . http://files.usgwarchives.net/wa/okanogan/cemeteries/winthrop.txt Christchurch Worthing 1846 Jun 9, COOKE, Charlotte Stubbs, Clement, Mary Phillips, W, Painter . 1866 Apr 29, HONESS, Emily Alice, Frederick Thomas, Christiana, 8 New . 1869 Jun 27, MARCH, Bessie, William Henry, Mary Jane, Coastguard Bldg, Coastguard . http://www.barriesgenealogy.co.uk/html/christchurch_worthing.html
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1891 William's Directory City of Elmira, Chemung County NY Holcomb Ferdinand E., painter, h 467 Franklin. Holcomb Grace . 310 S Main. Holiday Byron B., (Holiday Bros,) 320 1-2 W Fifth, bds 322 do . Honness Ann, h 353 W Church. Houscheid . Hotchkiss J. Bessie, bds Rathbun house. Hotchkiss . http://www.joycetice.com/director/1891p220.htm
Half-castes N.T. to Balaklava South Australia 10 Dorothy Honess Adult Coogee, NSW 11 Mrs Pauline Kelly Adult Melbourne, . 25 Duncan Fejo 15 yrs 26 Bessie Gerbonday Adult 27 Lulu Nelson Adult . http://mc2.vicnet.net.au/home/pmackett/balaklava2.html
Australian flora and fauna in applied art - Search - Powerhouse ... P2999-1 Design, 'Door for Australian Technical College, Art (Australian Door, . hunting scenes, buffalo horn, made by Robert Honess, Australia, 1820-1830 . P3009 Design, 'Ceiling of same room, B (Hotel Australia - designs for zinc . 86/ 332-8 Saucer, porcelain, made by Rosenthal, Germany, painted by Essie M . http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/subject=Australian+flora+and+fauna+in+applied+art&showall=1